Supplier, OEM, Exporter

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Mooncake supplier, OEM, Exporter in Malaysia

We, as the local agency have been serving the Malaysian and export market for the past 12 years with good reputation and world-class services. Our supply throughout Malaysia and beyond giving thanks to our extensive product supplying services to various companies, hotels, restaurants chain and etc. Be it for personal and family occasions or any professional dos, no party is complete these days without supplies from our place and we proudly to be one of the top mooncake agency supplier in the whole of Malaysia.

Happy with our responses, we are now planning to spread our wings across the horizon since. Apart from product supplies, we are also very much interested in exporting our mooncakes, pastes and other products to countries like Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. Both for our local and overseas customers we have a huge range of offers and special customised mooncakes services according to the choice of flavours. Naturally if you want to engage us with your required customisation for mooncakes and bakeries, just provide us the choice and we would do our best to serve you. Thus with us you can be rest assured as to never to run the risk of consuming low graded food products or to painfully count your calories each time you take a bite of your favourite dessert. We accept OEM services from all our customer bases and if you need to discuss it further, contact as in the earlier month of the year to avoid disappointment.

Let’s Work Together!

Send us an enquiries and we will get back to you within 1 business day